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Next President Of America Donald Trump ?

Posted on Nov 8, 2016
Next President  Of America 
#ElectionsNight #Election2016
Election of 2016 in America is started and It will close soon and projected a new President of  America . With the results of elections in all the states Donald and Clinton is on the way but Donald who is included in most of the scandals but How he's the next President seems . Huh Americans . In OUR QURAN GOD Says :
Explanation is this :
The government is like the peoples of the State or country .
Well Soo GOD blessed to you all Americans :)
We Know it's a Big day for the country . But nothing Happens without the will of GOD . Just Pray to GOD and Pray for your Better Luck .

How to create your own free internet radio 2016

Posted on Sep 3, 2016
How to create your own free internet radio 2016
How to create your own free internet radio 2016
After a long time, I am here with the most entertain full Tutorial and the intricate work of this stage. Everyone can listen and enjoy the live internet radios whenever they are free. What about the time you are free? How's this if you are free then You can broadcast your live thoughts and play your music for peoples. Become an RJ/Dj for free of cost. If you have a passion for broadcasting, then I am here to help you. You can create setup and broadcast your free internet radio live with the support of this beautiful and helpful tutorial.
So let's start with Making your radio now.
Required Components :

  • Best internet Connection .
  • ShoutCast Server.
  • Winamp Player.
  • Dsp Shoutcast Plugin for Winamp.
  • Little Knowledge  :P.
Internet Connection is your problem what type of internet connection you have it only depends on you. I'll Suggest only EvoWingle 9.3 (PTCL) in Pakistan. 
1: How to Create Shoutcast Server:
A suggested website is listen2myRadio.
Just signup on this site When you signed up Choose the server type choose Shoutcast server.
Name your radio and enter all the required details to the form.When you complete all the necessary information the page looks like this:
Free shoutcast server panel
Free Shoutcast Server panel (Details and Customization)
1: Streaming server 'Turn on ' 'Turn off ' options.
2: Your server IP and port address.
3: Your private streaming password.
4: Streaming admin panel username &  password.
I hope its all done. Now remember all these things mentioned in screenshot all information are aware in Winamp and some other personalizations.
Setting up the server in Winamp.
Download Dsp-plugin from here. (Direct link ) Latest versions
[ Download Winamp Player from Winamp Official sites. ]
Windows: Winamp 5.666. (official fully patched builds) (patched) (unpatched),0301-14.html (unpatched)Important: Update Patches for Unpatched 5.666 (build 3516) only!
Mac OSX: Winamp Sync Beta 0.8.1 | dmg direct[Reference Winamp]
First, install Winamp and next install DSP-plugin.
Open Winamp with player DSP-plugin opened with us follow the instructions below to enter all your information in the plugin.                                          
Decoder settings
Login settings
Radio Details
Songs Tags & Cover Art

Click on images to enlarge.
After covering all of these work Just Restart your play or Press connect button to connect to your server. It's all done 
Important options to remember:
  • View your radio statistics Go to your channel Admin panel link, e.g., http://xxx.xx.xx.x:port/index/html
  • First Turn on your Server from Website control panel then Connect your radio.
  • You can also host or schedule your shows.Like Professional Dj's/RJ's.
  • If you can leave your server offline it's going on off auto :) 
Well, i hope it's helpful if not then contact me and if you like this comment us and like us on social networks.

How to Redirect Blogger page 2016

Posted on Jul 26, 2016
How to Redirect Blogger page 2016
How to Redirect Blogger page 2016
Today I am here with the free Trick of redirecting blogger page to any URL. Everyone need some of their pages to redirect to another page. I'll do this and Get this trick by own experiment but may you also know alreadyEven I don't know Well May its work for you better Just follow below Instruction to do this:
Go to
Login With your Google Account
Select Your Blog
Go to Pages Tab
Create New page
Give us a Title you want
And open HTML Tab and Just paste the following HTML code
<iframe src="http://" style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;" name="myiFrame" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="60px" width="468px"></iframe>
In Href tag Paste your Url where you want to redirect your page and other specification on your will
Thanks For Visiting us I hope you like us If you want to get updates in your email then subscribe

How to add Twitter Card in Blogger's Blog 2016

Posted on Jul 20, 2016
How to add Twitter Card in Blogger's Blog 2016
How to add Twitter Card in Blogger's Blog 2016
Twitter Vcard is the meta code Validator to Beautify your tweet . It Can Get image title and description of your post from your site and fetch in your tweet as well. Twitter launch this service for bloggers and webmasters to Advertise their Links on twitter with Valid data display .
How to Add Code in Blogger :
Go to and Login with your Google Account and Going to the Template section of your Blog . Find the Following code (<Head>) Just Copy and paste this Code into your blogger's template head section :
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.postImageThumbnailUrl'>
      <b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription'>
        <meta content='summary' name='twitter:card'/>
        <meta content='@Posttutorials' name='twitter:site'/>
        <meta content='@Posttutorials' name='twitter:creator'/>
        <meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='twitter:title'/>
        <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='twitter:description'/>
        <meta expr:content='data:blog.postImageThumbnailUrl' name='twitter:image:src'/>
        <meta expr:content='data:blog.homepageUrl' name='twitter:domain'/>
Now don't forget to change PostTutorials  With your own Twitter Username .
<!-- adsense -->
You have to add at least One description in your post in the description box on your post edit page . and One image in your post manually otherwise your card will not work properly.
Check your Card Validity :
You can check your Twitter card Validity here : Preview Tool 
If you like my post then Like and share on your profile thanks.

5 Ways to Earn Money at home in 2016

Posted on Jul 11, 2016
5 Ways to Earn Money  in 2016
5 Ways to Earn Money at home in 2016
 The Most effective ways of earning money through online activities from your home. Earning Money online it's a simple dialogue for an uneducated or non-known peoples in most of the country or regions .Our uncountable colleagues are trying to earn online through Facebook , Youtube , e.t.c but they do not succeed why this fall I know  very well because from previous 5 years I'll also trying to reach or get income from online sites . But you know everything has rules and regulation .  So I'll Suggest you these 5 ways of earning money . Latest ways of earning  and their realities ,

1: PTC Sites
Paid to click (PTC) is the work that is not easier to do and earn with us . some of the Top PTC sites are listed below .You can work on this site to earn the little amount of money with us . You can earn in the dollar with PTC sites and payment methods are usually Paypal , Payoneer or your Credit/debit Card. That site offers advertisement on their control panel to paid you a little amount on every link you watch . Some of these sites offer a survey to complete the task . like, sign up on any site . signup and play online games e.t.c . its depend on the advertiser which can place an  advertisement on PTC sites . You can also Advertise your online site business .
  1. Clixsense
  2. Neobux
  3. Donkeymails
  4. Buxvertise
  5. Paidverts
3:Forex Marketing.4:Freelancing.
5:Selling Products

How to Disable Facebook account Temporarily

Posted on Jul 8, 2016
How to Disable Facebook account Temporarily
How to Disable Facebook account Temporarily
Hello, Friends Today I am here with the most common problem with most of the friends. He/she want to know how to Disable Facebook account temporarily. You can disable the account for the following reasons. 

You are tired of Facebook.
Anyone disturbed you on your account.
If any there is no specification for the closing your account. Its depend on your will if you want to close them then Close Quickly. There is two option for you to get you out from your account. If you want to go out for some time, Facebook allows and save your data for you. If you want to come back, you can access your account at a particular time. Else you can choose permanently delete your facebook account then there is no option to get your data or account back . and you'll never access to your account ever so Choose your option after thinking too much :P
Lets goo and follow the Following steps:
Go to
Log into your account.
Click on the top right bar in your Account. (on Inverted arrow) ,
Click on setting ( Screenshot 1.1 )given below:

Facebook account delete step 1
Disable facebook account step 1 (Screenshot 1.1)
--- Backup your Data ---- (Optional)
In the setting, bar >, in General, > 
You can backup your Facebook data, e.g., Images videos, everything you have on your account. 
(Screenshot 1.2) given below for reference:
How to backup yor facebook data
Backup Facebook data screenshot 1.2
Click on Download copy of your Facebook data.
Now click on the Security bar > at the last you can see the option:
> Deactivate you account.
Click on Deactivate your account.
Facebook want to log in again to your account, and the following reasons  listed for account disabling:

  • This is temporary. I'll be back.
  • I have another Facebook account.
  • I have a privacy concern.
  • I get too many emails, invitations, and requests from Facebook.
  • My account was hacked.
  • I don't understand how to use Facebook.
  • I spend too much time using Facebook.
  • I don't feel safe on Facebook.
  • I don't find Facebook useful.
  • Other, please explain further:
Choose your option and if you have a different problem then write in the message box just below the following list in you account.
Many other options is available for example:
For your groups, you have created.
Your pages applications.
And optional to log in to Messenger.
All the options  are listed  in the (Screenshot 1.3)
 Click on Deactivate your account.
You are done with Deleting your account or disabled your account permanently.
Choose your decision after clearing your mind. Your one click to delete your account forever. Facebook can't give an opportunity to get back your account. If you can choose, your account delete. If you can choose, disable you can access your account after three months.
Thanks if you like this, please like us. If you have any problem, then comment and share on social networks to help your friends.

Subscription box for blogger with social icons 2016

Posted on Jul 3, 2016
Stylish Subscription box for blogger 2016
 Subscription box for blogger 2016

The subscription box is an easy way to increase your traffic. By this tool, you can collect your blog reader to send automatic updates to their subscribed email addresses. Most of the peoples are searches for this type of gadgets for their websites and blogs. This stylish and beautiful work of HTML5 and css3 subscription box for a blogger is now available on Posttutorials.
A user can write her/his name and email both in this box. you can also enable or disable name feature by your will. I'll describe later how you can disable name feature in blogger subscription box.
Also below the box, social links icons are available with the beautiful design. You can add your social links below the gadget.
Here is the code of subscription box for blogger 2016 edited design:
#bgt-subscribe-box .header{
background: none ;
color: #a333333;
font-size: 28px;
line-height: 36px;
padding: 15px 25px;
font-weight: 700;
font-family: open sans;
text-align: center;
#bgt-subscribe-box {
#bgt-subscribe-box p {
font-family:'Open Sans';
padding:10px 20px 0 20px;
#bgt-subscribe-box .bgt-emailfield {
padding:0px 20px 10px;
#bgt-subscribe-box .bgt-emailfield input {
font-family:'Open Sans';
border:1px solid #ccc;
transition:all 0.4s ease-in-out;
#bgt-subscribe-box .bgt-emailfield input:focus {
border:1px solid #d9d9d9;
#bgt-subscribe-box .bgt-emailfield .bgt-submitbutton {
transition:all 0.4s ease-in-out;
#bgt-subscribe-box .bgt-emailfield .bgt-submitbutton:active {
#bgt-subscribe-box .bgt-emailfield .bgt-submitbutton:hover{
<div id='bgt-subscribe-box'>
             <div class='bgt-emailfield'>
              <form action='' method='post' onsubmit=''', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true' target='popupwindow'>
               <input type='text' name='name' onblur='if (this.value == "") {this.value = "Enter Your Name";}' onfocus='if (this.value == "Enter Your Name") {this.value = "";}' value='Enter Your Name'/>
               <input type='text' name='email' onblur='if (this.value == "") {this.value = "Enter Your Email Address";}' onfocus='if (this.value == "Enter Your Email Address") {this.value = "";}' value='Enter Your Email Address'/>
<input name='uri' type='hidden' value='posttutorials'/>
<input name='loc' type='hidden' value='en_US'/>
                <input class='bgt-submitbutton' type='submit' value='Subscribe Now!'/>
  text-align: center;

  color: #3396b9;
li {
vertical-align:  middle;
a {
display: block;
font-size: 30px;
margin: 0 5px;
text-decoration: none;
a:hover, a:focus,  {
i {
transition: none;
<div id="social-side" align='center' style='clear: both;'>
<a href=''>
<i class="fa fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<a href=''><i class="fa fa-rss" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<a href=''><i class="fa fa-google-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<a href=''><i class="fa fa-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></i>
Make sure to change your Feed burner username with your username . Remove Posttutorials and replace with your own.

find the following code:
<input name='uri' type='hidden' value='posttutorials'/>
Change Value="XXXX" With Feedburner username,
 this color code is used for default color. You can change everywhere in the code with your color to make gadget reliable for your website or blog.

Also, change social links with your social ties:
<div id="social-side" align='center' style='clear: both;'>
<a href=''>
<i class="fa fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<a href=''><i class="fa fa-rss" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<a href=''><i class="fa fa-google-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<a href=''><i class="fa fa-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></i>
Find the following code and put your usernames in the codes.
Thanks a lot, I hope you like this, and if you like this or have any problem, please comment below.
Like and subscribe to my website.


How to change USB or Flash Drive Name and Icon

Posted on Jun 19, 2016

How to change USB or Flash Drive Name and Icon
How to change USB or Flash Drive Name and Icon 

Hello, This is the tutorial with the help of you can change your Usb or flash drive's Icon with your .ico. this is the wish of the most of the people's to change their USB icon with their identity .  I'll show you how to change this in the any Microsoft windows Not for Mac .
just follow the given below Instruction to do this :
Attach your Flash in the PC.
Create new text file and open it.
Paste this Script in the textbox.
label= "PostTutorials" 
it's for changing the label of the USB via Script .
Then Add the following code:
icon = "youricon.ico"
Now the code is looks like
label ="PostTutorials"
Now save this file As "All files"
and set name :  "AUTORUN.INF"
Copy the file in the flash and Now Search the .ico from Google or Create your Own with IcoFX and save the icon in the same directory where you can save an AUTORUN file . After doing all these steps refresh your USB/Flash or Plug out and plug in again to see the result .
Thanks for Visiting us if you like the tutorial don't forget to share and like us on Facebook .

This will work on the some of the Older version of windows Usually it's just for the Latest or professional version of windows.

How to send message on Facebook if Blocked 2016

Posted on Jun 12, 2016
How to send message on Facebook if Blocked 2016
How to send message on Facebook if Blocked 2016

Hello, friends Today I'll tell you the method with the help of this you can message to any person on facebook who blocked you. It is the most common and search full Keyword or problem in the world. 
Sometimes someone mistakenly blocked you or against their will you are excited to message him/her and excited to reach us. Now this is too easy and working trick for this problem there is two methods to Send Messages to the person who blocked you on facebook. Now let's go to the tutorials:

Method No 1:
If you know, the Username of the user profile the just copies the username, e.g.,
Else Login with another facebook id and search for the user you want, Copy the username.
Now open your Email provider Most of the users can use Gmail or Yahoo simply Compose New email and in the To: Box Write email like this Add a subject and Write your Message and Click send. After sending an email to this method, the user can receive a message in his inbox.
Now you have Done. 

Method No 2:
You Must have an Another facebook id friend with the user who blocked you. And Friend with the ID the user blocks you,.Simply Compose a new Message on the Facebook and Now add your another id in the conversation you can add the user by clicking on the icon available on the Message dialog box or by clicking on the setting icon available on the right  side of the dialog box 
When you add the user in the conversation User are allow to Chitchat with the user who blocked the another ID.
You were done with this straightforward and easy step.

Subscribe and share if you like us Thanks for visiting us keep up to date with PostTutorials by Subscribing to their email list .

How to rename your Processor In WindowsXP ?

Posted on Jun 5, 2016
How to rename your Processor name In WindowsXP
How to rename your Processor name In WindowsXP
Hello, Today I am here with the Method with shopkeepers or seller make you fool lol. Well, You Can Quickly change your Processor name with this straightforward and easy steps. Take a look when you can buy Your PC/Laptop from anywhere. Sometimes your friend and other people can Change the processor name, and you never know. Today I'll tell you How to change your Processor name on window'sXP.
Here is an example of Changed name of Processor in my PC.
How to rename your Processor  In WindowsXP ?
How to rename your Processor  In WindowsXP?

You can also change this with this tutorial. Just Follow Below Steps to Change your processor name.
Open Run Command.
You can quickly open this by Following shortcut:
Windows+R Button.
Type "RegEdit" .
And hit Enter or run.
Click on the ' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' > Hardware >Description >System >CentralProcess > 0 >
Now Look at the Screen Shot given below and Double click on the Point No 1:
How to rename your Processor  In WindowsXP ?
RegEdit ScreenShot
Tap your Processor name as you want and Click ok.
Now Take a look at the screenshot.
Click on Modify and Exit.
Now you are done, and the unique thing is that you can't have to reboot your PC with Last Command Modify.
I hope you like this and Share your comment and if you have any problem the feel free to contact me.

CSS Urdu Learning Book

Posted on Jun 2, 2016
CSS Urdu Learning Book
CSS Urdu Learning Book 
CSS ( Cascading Stylesheet ) is the language the styling language for the websites. That is a design on the HTML language codes. CSS is the most advanced language for the designing websites and animations. For a Creating successful website, this almost needs the knowledge of CSS. CSS3 is the latest modification in the web developing world now. 
Click here to download Css Free book

C++ Learning Book in Urdu

C++ Learning Book in Urdu PostTutorials
C++ Learning Book in Urdu 
C++ is the Low-level Language of programming developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 at Bell Labs. C++ programs example is the CMD in Microsoft Windows in this is a dominant language. With this, you can produce CMD like programs, and the that is used for the web developing to create different commands on the website and the internet applications. You can Easily learn the basic's of C++ in this book. It is a sufficient book for Pakistani People's. That is in the National language of Pakistan. So this is so easy to learn and understand.

Click to downnload C++ Urdu book

HTML Book free in Urdu [Book]

HTML Book free in Urdu
HTML Book free in Urdu
I would like to share this eBook with my Beginners friends. It is the Html eBook in Urdu Language Written by Hassan Ali. With this, you can quickly learn the fundamentals and basic's of HTML (Hyper Markup Language ) language in One or two days. So friends just download and learn this book and Win the world. Html is the basic of Web development you have to get complete knowledge and concepts of HTML for creating or developing websites for your use or clients. Nothing is easy to do ever but you have to struggle for the acknowledgment so don't worry just try to do it and if any problem then contacts me or comment below.

Urdu pdf book PostTutorials

Visual Basic In Urdu [Book]

Visual Basic In Urdu
Visual Basic In Urdu
Visual Basic 6.0 is the Old version of programming software's provided or offered by Microsft, but this is most common and easy to use software for developing Windows software for free. This book is for the basics of Visual Basic 6.0 .with pictures and codes you can learn and try and become a developer of Windows programs. Windows programming is not easy work, but this is not impossible.Every one know is impossible to say's 'I am possible.' So don't go back just become a rising star and do something for yourself this is the time of computer's, and I only think that everyone in the world have to know and to do and work with computers with one click.  I'll share this book and if you have any problem regarding this book or to know something, please contact me or comment below thanks a lot.
Visual basic free urdu pdf book PostTutorials

Use Any Trial Software for lifetime Free

Posted on May 25, 2016
Use Any Trial Software for lifetime  Free
Use Any Trial Software for Lifetime  Free 
Good Morning friends, Most of the Starter packages of Softwares LLC's offered a free trial of their software to check and analyze and then purchased with this technique all of the software companies can earn too much revenue, but we don't care may GOD Blessed all the Companies.Well, I am here with the small tool we can use with this tutorial to use any software who have on the trial for lifetime free. Everyone knows that whole world is not able to purchase their software for wrong compatibility or the revenue problems. Let's Start and Check this Tutorial.

You can also check:
How to set background image in USB drive ?

The tool used for this purpose is RunAsDate.
It is the Very interesting software for free to use any software with the trial version for a whole time.Actually, it can maintain your computers date and time with the different parameters in which Software design can not understand the logic or work of the RunAsDate.
Use of the RunasDate is given Below in ScreenShot:
How to Use RunAsDate
How to Use RunAsDate

Set time and date as you want I hope you'll enjoy, and this is useful for all of your thanks to visiting us. If you like us, then like us on Social media and Subscribe to get updates in your mailbox for free.

How to Recover deleted/Formatted Contacts or messages in Android

Posted on May 24, 2016
How to Recover deleted/Formatted Contact or messages in Android
How to Recover deleted/Formatted Contact or messages in Android 

Get a knowledge of how to recover contacts from Android this is the most wanted problem in worldwide. Sometimes accidentally or with wrong clicked all of the contacts will be delete, and we'll never see again, but now it's possible to recover and get your lost contacts in some of simple reliable and secure methods with some of the useful steps. Now I'll go to show you two simple steps to get your contacts back :)

Recovering Contacts from Android phone. 
Everything knows Android is the most famous and reliable smartphone operating systems so we'll try to help you to get more knowledge about the android system to get most efficient features from it here is two simple steps to get your data deleted contacts back.
  1. Using Google contacts:
First of all, go to the link Google Contacts.
Log in with your email as same registered with your Android phone.
After login, you'll see all sync contacts of your phone here you can find the contacts by exploring different tabs or by clicking all contacts in given below in the screenshot.
Contacts recovery with google contacts
Google contacts screenshot
I hope you'll understand this easy method's checked this, and if you have done with this, then it's just good happening if you'll not satisfied then try the step two given below.

How to get Any WiFi Password With Android 2016

Posted on May 22, 2016
How to get Any Wifi Password with Android 2016
How to get Any Wifi Password with Android 2016  
My Topic is going to the procedure with anyone get a password of any WiFi with WPS/WPA Security. Well, it's dedicated to all of my Colleagues and  Classmates and all of my Social network followers and My Fans :P.  So it is not easy to do this you can step over from not too much but some of the steps to do this. Most of Pakistani's Boys and Girls want to use WiFi, but they can't access the password well friends now its possible and fruitful method by PostTutorials I hope all of you can enjoy and Make us Rising. Today I'll also steal the password of my neighbor's password hahaha ...
  • Required components:
Android with any version.
WiFi Connection (It's important you have already a one WiFi Connection with password).
Rooted Mobile (Click here " How to Root Android Phone 2016").
WPS/WPA Tester ( Click here to get it on Google playstore).

Complete all the components in your phone and Follow the instructions given below:
Install WPS/WPA tester on your phone. Connect wifi you already have and refresh the connections button.
This tool works only on the connections where WPS security is activated when WPS is available the link is highlighted with the green color click on the connection and choose the pin option which is manual and the auto or given below in the screen shot.

How to set background image in USB drive WindowsXP

Posted on May 17, 2016

set background image in USB drive WindowsXP
How to set background image in USB drive WindowsXP
Hello, XP, Today my tutorial is how to set background wallpaper in USB pen drive with WindowsXP.  Too easy to do but the problem is that peoples never know, only listen and worked out by some of the friends and by anyone but now you'll do this in simply in just 2 minutes. Let us goo and see the instruction:
  • For Windows XP
[.ShellClassInfo] IconFile=%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll IconIndex=127 ConfirmFileOp=0 [{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}] Attributes=1 IconArea_Image="your_picture.jpg" IconArea_Text="0xFFFFFF" VeBRA sources - don't delete the tag above, it's there for XXXXX purposes - [ExtShellFolderViews] {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}={BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} {5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}={5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262} [{5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}] PersistMoniker=Folder.htt PersistMonikerPreview=%WebDir%\folder.bmp

  • For Windows Vista and 7
[ExtShellFolderViews] {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}={BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} [{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}] IconArea_Image=test.jpg
Create a new text file in the USB Drive and Copy and paste the following code given above select code with your Windows version.
Save the file as Desktop.ini and for Windows, Vista nd 7 Paste the picture in the drive with the name of Test.jpg and in the WindowsXP with your_picture.jpg and Now refresh the USB Panel now you have done with this tutorial.

  • Advice :
Select the file Desktop.ini and your picture and open the properties and click on hidden files to hide these files from the user. Even that are any person.

How to ByPass / Solve Facebook photo Verification 2016

Posted on May 6, 2016
How to ByPass / Solve Facebook photo Verification 2016

Facebook photo verification is now not a big problem. I have a solution for this issue; I'll  describe here how we'll skip / bypass/ this error. To many users never know how to skip this, but this is too easy and tricky to do this,  there is only one way to do this, so guys lets start the tutorial.

  • Things to Install:
Install Hola Free Chrome Extension (Click here to download ). 
Switch on Proxy.
Set Proxy to the Japan. (Japan is Required)
  • Steps to Open Facebook Account:
Enter your facebook id and Password.
After Click on login, Photo verification skipped, and Facebook just wants a Human verification captcha to continue.
Enter captcha and click continue.
Facebook ask to change your Password.
Just change your password and Save.

Now you are done with photo verifications process, So guys it is so simple and not a problem for newer and beginners.Enjoy and Like us on Facebook and make him proud to share more tricks with you. 

How to create Blog ( Part 1 )

Posted on May 1, 2016
How to create Blog ( Part 1 )

Welcome to PostTutorials Blogger Training Part 1. I am Just Started to teach you the blogging Method and the all of secrets and SEO from A TO Z.Well, I am Blogger from some previous years and finally, decide to share skills and experiments of my career. I hope all of you will enjoy get knowledge from PostTutorials and also give us a piece of Knowledge we never know; I do not want to discuss anymore so let's go and start.
  • Requirements for Creating a blog:
You must have a knowledge of Basics of HTML and CSS then you'll quickly get started with blogger. You have better Goal of setting up a blog and the Content for creating a successful blog . for example Tutorials, Poetry, Templates and much more. Knowledge of  English language. 
These are some basic requirements for blogging.  
  • Creating your first Blog:
Create your Gmail account and go to the Blogger
Blogger asks you to create permanent Google+ Profile or Blogger Profile; Its depend on you what type of template you want.
Create a profile and click continue.
Click on a new blog on the left side of the main Dashboard.
  • Setting for Blog:
Set Title for your blog (For example. PostTutorials )
Set Address for your blog.
  • Tip:
Select unique name who compare with your contents its make users to find us easily and In searches top of the Google search results.
How to create Blog setting
Setting screen shot for creating Blog
After doing all steps right Click on Create Blog.

Now you are done with creating blog. Stay with us and up to date with us to get more parts of creating a professional blog.

How to download paid apps free for Android 2016

Posted on Apr 28, 2016
How to download paid apps  free for Android 2016

Today I going to share with the method how we can download and install paid apps on Android.  Just means that the apps Google play offered to pay and invest after paying so for my friends and its Provided by Majid Nazaw awan. The benefit of this application is this you can also upload your apps on BlackMart. If you have anyone App Blackmart upload and publish your apps for free and the company does not provide the apps available on Blackmart, it is uploaded and provided by users apps, so this is entirely legal. About this  Blackmart says:
Apps available here is only for trail bases 
let's go to the tutorial:
  • Method 1:
1: Download Black Alpha From
2: Install it on your Android Phone.
3: Go to Google Play store.
4: Search Apps That is Getting paid for the download.
5: Read the name of the app.
6: Open BlackMart and in the search bar enter the app name same like you note in the Play Store.
7: Search and Find your app.

                            Click here to Download BlackMart Alpha Directly (It Not adds)
                                                 Download black mart alpha free
  • Note:
When you search for the app, Blackmart shows the Prize of the app, but it is free for download just click on install and enjoy.
  • Method 2:
Search on Google on the Google search you can easily find your app on the most of the websites. When you search the app, I'll recommend the first 2 or three search results for better downloads.
Google mean everything, so I think most of the things are avail on the Google search, and we can easily find us.

How to Use free internet in all over the world ?

Posted on Apr 27, 2016
Especially for Jazz, Ufone, Telenor, and Warid in Pakistan
Use free internet in Pakistan

Hurrah ! Aslam-o-alikum to all today I am euphoric with free internet trick in Pakistan and all over the world and on any of the world internet provider network this is too easy to say how we'll use the free internet, but now this is too easy to say I am using free internet on my phone. Friends this is only for Android smartphones of any Android version. Some of my friends ask me daily you have any free internet using a trick. After all my answer is now yes this is 10000% working and checked by me this is too many easy steps, and this is entirely free of cost 24 hr in the day and 30 days in the month and full life either your is alive. May God blessed this company who provide free internet facility to all over the world with few clicks and time. Let's go to the tutorial.

Open Playstore.
Search for the App " Your Freedom".
You can Easily find this app.
Download and install this application.

After installation, Complete open Your freedom.
Click ok after Reading Terms of use.

Reading carefully, this is the setting of application.

Free internet your freedom Config
First, click on Configuration.

App's Menu opened and found Connection on the third number in the Above screenshot.

Save your setting as shown in the above configuration screen shot . in country section, i'll recommend "China" for Pakistani User at Daytime and night "Indonesia Smart ."
Use of this connection is more reliable for downloading and streaming but bit slow for browsing so don't worry, feel free to use and enjoy, stay with us.

How to create Desktop shortcut in windows 10/8 ?

Posted on Apr 25, 2016
How to create Desktop shortcut in windows 10/8 ?

Many of our friends who never knows how to show the My Computer icon on desktop in latest Windows version. First of all, I'll request  Microsoft to make my computer icon default in latest windows for whom peoples. Who can't know about this so directly I'll share this how to do this in simple steps but first of all windows is fully activated its required condition for personalizing your computer setting so first activate your window in straightforward, and easy steps go to this link:

Now see the instruction to do this possible:

just Click on Window icon in the left corner of your screen 
> Click on setting 
> Go to the Personalization
> Click on themes option;
> Desktop icon setting 
now you have to see the window with default seeing just click o the desktop icon  desktop icon has been displayed on the desktop quickly 

  • Note: 

After activating the window, you can see all these options. Otherwise, you are not able to customize all these setting in window 10. I am using windows ten so Its for Windows 10, setting only

How to Activate Windows ? (12 versions of Microsoft windows )

Posted on Apr 22, 2016
How to Activate Windows ? (12 versions of Microsoft windows )

Now PostTutorial gives you a better way of activating Windows most of the latest version with few clicks. In latest windows most of the features are not available without activating windows. You can activate window with Microsoft Toolkit the toolkit activates 2.6 betas 3 .list of the versions available below that.Toolkit is created by CODEYQX4

Download Microsoft toolkit

Activate Including  Windows following version of Microsoft Operating systems
  1.  Windows  Vista (All released subversion)
  2.  Windows  Server 2008  (All released subversion)
  3.  Windows 7  (All released subversion)
  4.  Windows  7 embedded (All released subversion)
  5.  Windows  Server 2008 R2  (All released subversion)
  6.  Windows 8   (All released subversion)
  7.  Windows  8 embedded  (All released subversion)
  8.  Windows Server 2012  (All released subversion)
  9.  Windows 8.1 (All released subversion)
  10.  Windows 8.1 embedded  (All released subversion)
  11.  Windows Server 2012 R2 (All released subversion)
  12.  Windows 10  (All released subversion)

So if you can download windows toolkit then see the instruction for activating the window.

Install and Open the software > Click on the window icon
You no need to select your window version or anything  . the activator can auto detect your windows version.
Select "AutoKMS" and click an activate wait until it can activate your window.
It can take just a few seconds finally in the status bar message will display:
"Product Key: NPPR9-FXXXX-D2C8J-H8??K-2YT43
Validity: Valid
Product ID: 0XX29-00000-0XXX3-AA971
Advanced PID: XXXXX-03290-000-000003-03-1033-10240.0000-1142016
Activation ID: 73111121-5638-40f6-bc11-f1d7b0d64300
Product Description: Win 10 RTM Enterprise Volume: GVLK
Edition Type: Enterprise
Edition ID: [TH]X19-98698
Key Type: Volume: GVLK
Eula: Volume
Crypto ID: 3290." 

Like this Now, your window activated successfully.

Don't forget to share this 

  • Note:
You can activate Microsoft Office all versions with this toolkit.