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How to create Blog ( Part 1 )

Posted on May 1, 2016
How to create Blog ( Part 1 )

Welcome to PostTutorials Blogger Training Part 1. I am Just Started to teach you the blogging Method and the all of secrets and SEO from A TO Z.Well, I am Blogger from some previous years and finally, decide to share skills and experiments of my career. I hope all of you will enjoy get knowledge from PostTutorials and also give us a piece of Knowledge we never know; I do not want to discuss anymore so let's go and start.
  • Requirements for Creating a blog:
You must have a knowledge of Basics of HTML and CSS then you'll quickly get started with blogger. You have better Goal of setting up a blog and the Content for creating a successful blog . for example Tutorials, Poetry, Templates and much more. Knowledge of  English language. 
These are some basic requirements for blogging.  
  • Creating your first Blog:
Create your Gmail account and go to the Blogger
Blogger asks you to create permanent Google+ Profile or Blogger Profile; Its depend on you what type of template you want.
Create a profile and click continue.
Click on a new blog on the left side of the main Dashboard.
  • Setting for Blog:
Set Title for your blog (For example. PostTutorials )
Set Address for your blog.
  • Tip:
Select unique name who compare with your contents its make users to find us easily and In searches top of the Google search results.
How to create Blog setting
Setting screen shot for creating Blog
After doing all steps right Click on Create Blog.

Now you are done with creating blog. Stay with us and up to date with us to get more parts of creating a professional blog.


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