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How to ByPass / Solve Facebook photo Verification 2016

Posted on May 6, 2016
How to ByPass / Solve Facebook photo Verification 2016

Facebook photo verification is now not a big problem. I have a solution for this issue; I'll  describe here how we'll skip / bypass/ this error. To many users never know how to skip this, but this is too easy and tricky to do this,  there is only one way to do this, so guys lets start the tutorial.

  • Things to Install:
Install Hola Free Chrome Extension (Click here to download ). 
Switch on Proxy.
Set Proxy to the Japan. (Japan is Required)
  • Steps to Open Facebook Account:
Enter your facebook id and Password.
After Click on login, Photo verification skipped, and Facebook just wants a Human verification captcha to continue.
Enter captcha and click continue.
Facebook ask to change your Password.
Just change your password and Save.

Now you are done with photo verifications process, So guys it is so simple and not a problem for newer and beginners.Enjoy and Like us on Facebook and make him proud to share more tricks with you. 


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