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How to Redirect Blogger page 2016

Posted on Jul 26, 2016
How to Redirect Blogger page 2016
How to Redirect Blogger page 2016
Today I am here with the free Trick of redirecting blogger page to any URL. Everyone need some of their pages to redirect to another page. I'll do this and Get this trick by own experiment but may you also know alreadyEven I don't know Well May its work for you better Just follow below Instruction to do this:
Go to
Login With your Google Account
Select Your Blog
Go to Pages Tab
Create New page
Give us a Title you want
And open HTML Tab and Just paste the following HTML code
<iframe src="http://" style="border:0px #FFFFFF none;" name="myiFrame" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginheight="0px" marginwidth="0px" height="60px" width="468px"></iframe>
In Href tag Paste your Url where you want to redirect your page and other specification on your will
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