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How to create fake whatsapp account 2016 (In Pakistan) ?

Posted on Apr 5, 2016
How to create fake whatsapp account 2016 (Pakistan)

Hello . Guys Today I'll write this tutorial for my Pakistani Girls. Which may take their mobile numbers private but there is no way to create Whats-app account without any actual number but now do not have to worry about this. I'll find the way for this I'll give us opportunity to my country sisters, mothers, and much more females to keep their phone numbers private this is not a long way to creating account here is straightforward steps for this .. let's go 

Secret and tricky part: 
> Go to the
> Create account and set your account number with any of the country code. one of these is there "816."
> After Confirmation of email address Your text now account has activated successfully.
> Now you have your unique Abroad Phone number where you can get messages and calls from anywhere in the world call, messages, 

Step for creating Whats-app account With Abroad Phone number:
> Install whats-app and create an account with the same number you have been provided in the text now account.
> After registration you can receive a message in the text now website or Android application.
> Simply open the message Note your confirmation code and just enter this in the whats app application.
> Your Account has been Activated Successfully. 

Another way to Set Your Number by Changing Your number in the whats-app already registered an account. Just go to the setting and change your name and enjoy.

  • Note :

Keep your text now website login for after use to resetting your whats app account password.


  1. I got number (816) 282-2710 whtssap says its not valid number n what i have to put in country code option
