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How to change USB or Flash Drive Name and Icon

Posted on Jun 19, 2016

How to change USB or Flash Drive Name and Icon
How to change USB or Flash Drive Name and Icon 

Hello, This is the tutorial with the help of you can change your Usb or flash drive's Icon with your .ico. this is the wish of the most of the people's to change their USB icon with their identity .  I'll show you how to change this in the any Microsoft windows Not for Mac .
just follow the given below Instruction to do this :
Attach your Flash in the PC.
Create new text file and open it.
Paste this Script in the textbox.
label= "PostTutorials" 
it's for changing the label of the USB via Script .
Then Add the following code:
icon = "youricon.ico"
Now the code is looks like
label ="PostTutorials"
Now save this file As "All files"
and set name :  "AUTORUN.INF"
Copy the file in the flash and Now Search the .ico from Google or Create your Own with IcoFX and save the icon in the same directory where you can save an AUTORUN file . After doing all these steps refresh your USB/Flash or Plug out and plug in again to see the result .
Thanks for Visiting us if you like the tutorial don't forget to share and like us on Facebook .

This will work on the some of the Older version of windows Usually it's just for the Latest or professional version of windows.

How to send message on Facebook if Blocked 2016

Posted on Jun 12, 2016
How to send message on Facebook if Blocked 2016
How to send message on Facebook if Blocked 2016

Hello, friends Today I'll tell you the method with the help of this you can message to any person on facebook who blocked you. It is the most common and search full Keyword or problem in the world. 
Sometimes someone mistakenly blocked you or against their will you are excited to message him/her and excited to reach us. Now this is too easy and working trick for this problem there is two methods to Send Messages to the person who blocked you on facebook. Now let's go to the tutorials:

Method No 1:
If you know, the Username of the user profile the just copies the username, e.g.,
Else Login with another facebook id and search for the user you want, Copy the username.
Now open your Email provider Most of the users can use Gmail or Yahoo simply Compose New email and in the To: Box Write email like this Add a subject and Write your Message and Click send. After sending an email to this method, the user can receive a message in his inbox.
Now you have Done. 

Method No 2:
You Must have an Another facebook id friend with the user who blocked you. And Friend with the ID the user blocks you,.Simply Compose a new Message on the Facebook and Now add your another id in the conversation you can add the user by clicking on the icon available on the Message dialog box or by clicking on the setting icon available on the right  side of the dialog box 
When you add the user in the conversation User are allow to Chitchat with the user who blocked the another ID.
You were done with this straightforward and easy step.

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How to rename your Processor In WindowsXP ?

Posted on Jun 5, 2016
How to rename your Processor name In WindowsXP
How to rename your Processor name In WindowsXP
Hello, Today I am here with the Method with shopkeepers or seller make you fool lol. Well, You Can Quickly change your Processor name with this straightforward and easy steps. Take a look when you can buy Your PC/Laptop from anywhere. Sometimes your friend and other people can Change the processor name, and you never know. Today I'll tell you How to change your Processor name on window'sXP.
Here is an example of Changed name of Processor in my PC.
How to rename your Processor  In WindowsXP ?
How to rename your Processor  In WindowsXP?

You can also change this with this tutorial. Just Follow Below Steps to Change your processor name.
Open Run Command.
You can quickly open this by Following shortcut:
Windows+R Button.
Type "RegEdit" .
And hit Enter or run.
Click on the ' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' > Hardware >Description >System >CentralProcess > 0 >
Now Look at the Screen Shot given below and Double click on the Point No 1:
How to rename your Processor  In WindowsXP ?
RegEdit ScreenShot
Tap your Processor name as you want and Click ok.
Now Take a look at the screenshot.
Click on Modify and Exit.
Now you are done, and the unique thing is that you can't have to reboot your PC with Last Command Modify.
I hope you like this and Share your comment and if you have any problem the feel free to contact me.

CSS Urdu Learning Book

Posted on Jun 2, 2016
CSS Urdu Learning Book
CSS Urdu Learning Book 
CSS ( Cascading Stylesheet ) is the language the styling language for the websites. That is a design on the HTML language codes. CSS is the most advanced language for the designing websites and animations. For a Creating successful website, this almost needs the knowledge of CSS. CSS3 is the latest modification in the web developing world now. 
Click here to download Css Free book

C++ Learning Book in Urdu

C++ Learning Book in Urdu PostTutorials
C++ Learning Book in Urdu 
C++ is the Low-level Language of programming developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 at Bell Labs. C++ programs example is the CMD in Microsoft Windows in this is a dominant language. With this, you can produce CMD like programs, and the that is used for the web developing to create different commands on the website and the internet applications. You can Easily learn the basic's of C++ in this book. It is a sufficient book for Pakistani People's. That is in the National language of Pakistan. So this is so easy to learn and understand.

Click to downnload C++ Urdu book

HTML Book free in Urdu [Book]

HTML Book free in Urdu
HTML Book free in Urdu
I would like to share this eBook with my Beginners friends. It is the Html eBook in Urdu Language Written by Hassan Ali. With this, you can quickly learn the fundamentals and basic's of HTML (Hyper Markup Language ) language in One or two days. So friends just download and learn this book and Win the world. Html is the basic of Web development you have to get complete knowledge and concepts of HTML for creating or developing websites for your use or clients. Nothing is easy to do ever but you have to struggle for the acknowledgment so don't worry just try to do it and if any problem then contacts me or comment below.

Urdu pdf book PostTutorials

Visual Basic In Urdu [Book]

Visual Basic In Urdu
Visual Basic In Urdu
Visual Basic 6.0 is the Old version of programming software's provided or offered by Microsft, but this is most common and easy to use software for developing Windows software for free. This book is for the basics of Visual Basic 6.0 .with pictures and codes you can learn and try and become a developer of Windows programs. Windows programming is not easy work, but this is not impossible.Every one know is impossible to say's 'I am possible.' So don't go back just become a rising star and do something for yourself this is the time of computer's, and I only think that everyone in the world have to know and to do and work with computers with one click.  I'll share this book and if you have any problem regarding this book or to know something, please contact me or comment below thanks a lot.
Visual basic free urdu pdf book PostTutorials